Howard Johnson North Bergen
Howard Johnson North Bergen
Howard Johnson North Bergen
Howard Johnson North Bergen

Howard Johnson North Bergen

1300 Tonnelle Avenue, Belgium

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  • Cash payment accepted at this hotel

The Howard Johnson of North Bergen, New Jersey, is conveniently situated close to NJ Turnpike and in close vicinity Liberty State Park, major entertainment establishments such as the Meadowlands and shopping establishments such as the Secaucus Outlet Mall.

All rooms feature FREE High Speed Internet Access and include amenities such as Newspaper (available during breakfast), Coffeemakers, Microwaves, Iron & Ironing boards, Cable Television (up to 77 channels) and Premium Channels.

The hotel is located 6 miles from New York City and about 20 miles from all NY metropolitan airports.


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1300 Tonnelle Avenue, Belgium

(65) 3165 0756